Our impact
The Institute for Health Transformation works to deliver significant impact in health and wellbeing through groundbreaking collaborative research and transformative partnerships.
We strive to activate healthy populations and communities, innovate health service delivery and design, empower consumers as advocates for health system change, and drive equity and value in health care.
Our work and researchers are recognised among the world’s best for research excellence and innovation.
Our work is global with collaborations, partnerships and projects in 64 countries
Over the last five years we have successfully been awarded more than $57 million for research
Our researchers have generated more than 2500+ publications and other academic outputs
Our Impact Stories
Our valued partnerships with health, government, community and industry allow us to deliver research with impact across our five domains. Our work impacts public health and prevention; health systems and services; health economics and financing; data and digital health; patient experience and care; diabetes behaviour and sustainability.
Advocacy and Policy Submissions
IHT researchers contribute to external consultation processes, through written submissions and presenting to a range of Parliamentary Inquiries and Senate Committees. By sharing their expertise and research evidence to support improvements to decision making, strategy and policy, our researchers continue to create evidence-informed policy and practice change.
Together we can make a difference
People and partnerships underpin our future success. Conducting and communicating meaningful research is only possible if we have partners and donors who share our vision to make a difference. If you would like to support our future vision of making a difference email Amy Brown.
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