Translation Research in Mental Health (TRiMH)

Global Centre for Preventive Health and Nutrition

Welcome to TRiMH! We are a diverse team leading with empathy, rigorous methodology, and inclusive practices who are dedicated to redefining mental health collaboration and innovation through co-creation with practitioners and lived experience partners.

Driving positive change for individuals and community.


Our team

The TRiMH team brings together a rich diversity of expertise and lived experience including academic researchers, social work, mental health peer support, and participatory action research expertise.

Our approach

TRiMH applies systems thinking and dynamic modelling to address complex challenges in mental health care and services. Through trauma-informed practices and co-design processes, such as Community-Based System Dynamics (CBSD) and Group Model Building (GMB) we empower stakeholders, fostering meaningful engagement and capacity building within diverse communities.

Impact and innovation

We bridge research and action to deliver tangible and sustainable solutions for mental healthcare reform. This is done by; creating a safe space that enables the voice of those with lived experience to be at the centre of decision-making and evaluation, empowering stakeholders to become advocates actively shaping human-centred solutions through collaboration, reducing stigma and isolation associated with mental health, and encouraging creativity and innovation through diverse perspectives. This co-design approach has the potential to transform mental healthcare while fostering a more inclusive, empathetic and impactful system.

Unique offerings

We specialise in navigating sensitive issues utilising foundational frameworks such as McKercher’s (2020) mindsets for co-design and Stomski and Morrison’s (2017) principal themes for user participation in mental healthcare. Our approach ensures equitable partnerships and effective management of power dynamics among those individuals with lived experience, practitioners, and decision-makers.

Community engagement

TRiMH champions inclusivity by adapting methodologies to diverse needs, creating environments where every voice contributes meaningfully to shaping mental healthcare services.

Together we can drive impactful change in mental healthcare services

Engage with TRiMH to experience a transformative approach that blends empathy, innovation, and robust methodology. Together, we can help you navigate complexities, advocate for lived experiences, and drive impactful change in mental healthcare services.

Contact Dr Tari Forrester-Bowling or Stephanie Bennetts to discuss your project needs.

Image: Example of a loop diagram from one of our co-design groups depicting some of the main feedback loops associated with stigma


McKercher, K. A. (2020). Beyond Sticky Notes. Doing co-design for real: mindsets, methods and movements. In. Sydney, Australia: Beyond Sticky Notes.

Stomski, N. J., & Morrison, P. (2017). Participation in mental healthcare: a qualitative meta-synthesis. International Journal of Mental Health Systems, 11(1), 67.

TRiMH Publications

Bennetts, S. L., Pepin, G., Moylan, S., Carolin, R., & Lucas, J. J. (2024). Elimination of restrictive practices from acute adult mental health care services: A qualitative evidence synthesis of the lived experience literature. SSM-Mental Health, 100305.

Bennetts, S. L., Pepin, G., Moylan, S., Carolin, R., Forrester‐Bowling, T., McLure, J., … & Lucas, J. J. (2024). Co‐designing restrictive practice elimination: A systems thinking approach with mental health service users and practitioners in rural/regional Australia. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing.

Forrester-Bowling, T., Lucas, J. J., Brown, A., Bennetts, S., Carolin, R., Hayward, J., Scott, D., Peeters, A., & McLure, J. (2024). Adapting group model building for mental healthcare: A participatory co-design approach. Manuscript submitted for publication.

Forrester-Bowling, T., Carolin, R., McLure, J., Lucas, J., Bennetts, S., Hayward, J., Brown, A., & Peeters, A. (2023). Assessing the acceptability of group model building as a method of engaging people with lived experience of mental ill-health and recovery. Population Medicine, 5(Supplement). A1241.

McLure J, Forrester-Bowling T, Peeters A, Berk M, Moylan S, Carolin R. Person-centred growth-oriented language and care: Fundamental to successful mental health reform. Australasian Psychiatry. 2023;31(5):598-600.

Middel CNH, Blake MR, Boelsen-Robinson T, Mackenbach JD, Stuber JM, Vargas C, Forrester-Bowling T. Co-creation in public health research: basic principles. Public Health Res Pract. 2024; 34(3): In publication.