Oral Health

Deakin Health Economics

The Economics of oral health research stream at Deakin Health Economics aims to provide high quality evidence to demonstrate economic benefits of preventative models of care that utilise an all-of-team approach, including a broader health workforce.

The economics of oral health are poorly investigated, despite the far reaching prevention and treatment issues involved. Too few recognise that poor oral health is linked with systemic chronic disease and that it impacts significantly on individuals, the healthcare system and society. Current government funding for dental services is based on clinical output measures that promote surgical management of disease rather than the biological management and prevention of the disease itself.

This stream was established in January 2016 and, to date, we have developed national and international partners and collaborations across oral health services/programs, universities, the oral health industry, professional associations and government departments. We have established and lead the Disability and Oral Health Collaboration (DOHC) and the Pharmacy and Oral Health Alliance (PharOH).  We are involved in a series of projects that include economic appraisal of dental caries management; and investigation of efficient dental workforce models, multidisciplinary integrated models of care, and oral health care for individuals with chronic health conditions.

Our Economics of oral health research stream leader is Honorary Professor Hanny Calache.
Email: hanny.calache@deakin.edu.au