Upcoming Events
Eliminating Racial Discrimination in Health, 1pm Mon 17 March 2025
Join your colleagues for an event acknowledging the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. You will have the opportunity to hear from acclaimed author Abdi Aden who will talk about his uplifting and inspiring story of his survival against the odds from war torn Somalia until arriving in Melbourne as a teenager. Abdi and the other speakers (further information coming soon) will be talking about the impact of racial discrimination in health. We will reflect on and discuss the role we can all play in addressing racism and promoting inclusion- whether through our research and impact, our teams, or our broader communities. The day will include time to connect with colleagues and consider how we can work together to make meaningful change together.
1pm-3.30pm Mon 17 March 2025 at Deakin Downtown
Networking lunch from 1pm-1.30pm
Please watch out for the calendar invite with more details.
Proudly hosted by the Institute’s Diversity and Inclusion Committee.
Local Governments Creating Healthy Food Environments, 10am – 4pm Mon 17 March 2024
This free, online and in-person symposium will convene a national audience of local government actors, policymakers, researchers, and NGOs to share knowledge and strategies for fostering healthier food environments.
Our goal is to equip local governments with evidence-based tools and practical solutions to promote healthier communities and address challenges like obesity, diet-related diseases, and food insecurity.
Register now https://bit.ly/3Vxqgoe
Please note in-person tickets have now sold out, online tickets available only.
Deakin Research Development Academy Workshops and Webinars
The Research Development Academy (RDA) have curated several workshops and webinars that run across the campus network. They are available to all graduate researchers, graduate research supervisors and EMCRs. Here are a selection of the many opportunities available:
- Recruiting Graduate Researchers through ‘Find an Expert’, 11.00am Tues 11 February 2025
- Finding Funding, 2.00pm Wed 17 February 2025
- Applying for Funding 1 – Five Rules of Grant Club, 2.00pm Thurs 27 February 2025
- Applying for Funding 2 – Presenting in an Authentic Way, 2.00pm Mon 3 March 2025
- Impact 1 – Introduction to Research Impact, 11.00am Thurs 6 March 2025
Find out more https://deakin365.sharepoint.com/sites/ResearchandInnovation/SitePages/Workshops-and-webinar-programs.aspx
Logistic Regression 5 Day Masterclass tickets, 24-28 Feb 2025
Deakin Epidemiology is pleased to offer a summer Masterclass focused on Logistic regression to be delivered by arguably the world’s most famous teacher of this statistical technique – Prof. Stanley Lemeshow.
In years past, Lemeshow together with Ken Rothman offered back-to-back masterclasses in Biostats and Epi in Tasmania which were a bit of an institution, with many epidemiologists and biostatisticians building their knowledge and networks by heading south for a healthy dose of upskilling or as a refresher. Stan has agreed to offer this program onshore once again in Australia, this time at Deakin University’s Melbourne CBD campus 727 Collins Street, Docklands VIC 3008.
This 5-day course, 24-28 Feb 2025, will provide theoretical and hands-on practical knowledge and skills in statistical modelling with an in-depth focus on logistic regression analysis – the standard method for regression analysis of binary, multinomial and ordinal response data in health research.
Each day comprises a 4-hr class in the morning and a 2-hr practical session in the afternoon. And opportunities to network with fellow health and medical practitioners and researchers.
IHT Morning Teas, Tues 25 February 2025 at Burwood and Wed 26 February at Waterfront, Geelong
We will hold two morning teas at the end of February giving everyone a chance to say goodbye to Anna Peeters.
- 11.00am Tuesday 25 February at Burwood
- 10.30am Wednesday 26 February at Waterfront, Geelong
Keep your eye out for the invite to suit your location. Any questions, please email health-transformation@deakin.edu.au.
All Members Day, Tues 11 March 2025, Deakin Downtown
IHT look forward to seeing you at our first All Members Day for the Year on 11th March at Deakin Downtown. The Agenda is available on the Members Portal via the following link:
FINAL Agenda AMD March 2025.pdf
We are pleased to welcome Ken Knight as our Keynote Speaker. Ken is an award-winning leader, practice specialist, and educator in research impact, knowledge translation, and consumer involvement. At MCRI, he leads an internationally recognised program to build capability, capacity, and culture for research co-production, translation, and involvement. With a deep commitment to social justice and equity, Ken’s work is driven by a passion for partnering with varied stakeholders to ensure diverse perspectives shape research, policy and health outcomes.
Ken serves as Chair of the Association of Australian Medical Research Institutes’ Impact Committee, where he co-developed the first Impact Framework for the Australian health and medical research institute sector. As you may be aware, IHT adopted the Impact Framework in 2024.
If you need support to attend this event, please contact Kate Morrissy k.morrissy@deakin.edu.au
2025 Value-Based Health Care Congress, 1-2 May 2025, Zinc Fed Square, Melbourne. Early bird tickets now on sale.
The Value-Based Health Care (VBHC) Congress places a spotlight on the transformation needed to improve the outcomes of Australians and the sustainability of our health system. Both in Australia and internationally, health services and systems are exploring opportunities to move from a focus on the volume of services delivered, to the outcomes achieved, through a range of transformative programs and policies.
Driving value requires collaboration and recognition of context. The Congress provides an opportunity to look beyond the entrenched silos of our health system to understand, connect, share and collaborate in pursuit of the shared goal of improved outcomes for Australians.
Early bird registrations are now open, and AHHA Members receive an exclusive discount. Places are limited, so we encourage you to take advantage of these savings while they are available. Please note the Institute is an AHHA member.
Register today: https://event.fourwaves.com/vbhcc2025/pages
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