IHT Partner and Consumer Involvement Grants – revamped for 2025!

IHT has updated our previous partnership funding scheme to include a greater focus on community, consumers and people with lived experience, as well as industry partners! 

IHT members can apply for up to $5000 to: 

  • Engage stakeholders to establish a collaboration or deepen existing relationships 
  • Seek input from stakeholders, including industry partners, community and people with lived experience, on potential research projects relevant to the challenges they face 
  • Explore partnership project ideas with industry partners, community and/or people with lived experience
  • Work with partners to develop a big bid (i.e. NHMRC partnership or ARC Linkage grant)
  • Plan the expansion of existing partnership related activity
  • Explore long term implementation and scale opportunities for existing research programs with industry partners, community and people with lived experience       

Work funded by this scheme is expected to help prepare IHT members for funding opportunities such as NHMRC partnership or ARC linkage grants, attract other research funding, scale and sustain members’ research impact, and/or build relationships that will lead to such benefits in future. Clear line of sight to future funding opportunities is expected to be demonstrated by applicants. 

The grant guidelines and application form are available on the funding page on the IHT members portal.   

Institute for Health Transformation All Members Survey 2024 results

Thank you to all those who took time to complete the All Members Survey in December. 

As you know, this feedback is critical for planning our activities in 2025 and ensuring that our IHT resources are directed to initiatives that are relevant, valuable and help all our research community to achieve their aspirations. A full copy of the Survey Report is now available here: 

FINAL Report All Member Survey Report_2024.pdf 

All Members Day, Tues 11 March 2025, Deakin Downtown

IHT look forward to seeing you at our first All Members Day for the Year on 11th March at Deakin Downtown.  The Agenda is available on the Members Portal via the following link:

FINAL Agenda AMD March 2025.pdf

We are pleased to welcome Ken Knight as our Keynote Speaker. Ken is an award-winning leader, practice specialist, and educator in research impact, knowledge translation, and consumer involvement. At MCRI, he leads an internationally recognised program to build capability, capacity, and culture for research co-production, translation, and involvement. With a deep commitment to social justice and equity, Ken’s work is driven by a passion for partnering with varied stakeholders to ensure diverse perspectives shape research, policy and health outcomes.

Ken serves as Chair of the Association of Australian Medical Research Institutes’ Impact Committee, where he co-developed the first Impact Framework for the Australian health and medical research institute sector. As you may be aware, IHT adopted the Impact Framework in 2024.

If you need support to attend this event, please contact Kate Morrissy k.morrissy@deakin.edu.au

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