Dear Colleagues,

Welcome to 2025. I hope you all had an opportunity to rest and recharge over the break. As we return to work, I want to acknowledge the ever-changing environment that confronts us. It is important to recognise that through delivering work with purpose and equity at its heart, you are contributing positively to the world we live in. Our partners recognise this, telling us that IHT continues to deliver value for communities and the health sector. 

Many of you will have seen the announcement of a new VicHealth research centre to drive research on economic and commercial determinants of health and wellbeing at Deakin University. Congratulations to all those involved in this new Centre, I am looking forward to its impact. Congratulations also to Deakin Distinguished Professor Andrea Driscoll who received the 2024 Victorian Public Healthcare Award-Partnering in Healthcare for the I-HEART project, developed with Austin Health and Swan Hill District Health. 

A reminder to look at our Seeking Positions section below. This is one of our actions aimed at supporting our members with career continuity and new opportunities. A reminder also to think about the opportunities for you to work with the Deeble Institute, of which IHT is a member. They offer excellent support for the development of policy briefs and can connect you with government stakeholders to share your research outcomes. 

I also have some personal news to share. After a fantastic seven years working with you to establish the Institute for Health Transformation as a thriving research institute, I will be moving on to take up the role of Chief Executive Officer of the Victorian Health Promotion Foundation (VicHealth). While I will be sad to leave my current role, I am excited at the opportunity to continue to work with Victoria’s committed public health sector to deliver systemic improvements in health and wellbeing for all Victorians. I will watch your continued excellence and impact with joy, and am pleased that Deakin Distinguished Professor Trish Livingston has agreed to support IHT as Acting Director when I finish up at the end of February. 

Trish Livingston said: “I am honoured to have been asked to be Acting Director of IHT while the University undertakes a search to find a permanent replacement. Anna has created an everlasting legacy with the Institute and will be sorely missed. I personally take inspiration from her empathic, inclusive, and empowering leadership style and wish her all the best as CEO of VicHealth. My goal is to ensure the Institute continues to run as effectively as normal during this period, and I’m eager to contribute in any way I can to ensure IHT’s success and growth.  I look forward to working alongside you in my interim capacity.” 

A warm welcome to our latest IHT members

Full Members 

  • Stephanie Chappel, Research Fellow, QPS 
  • Kris Vingrys, Senior Lecturer, DoH 
  • Tristan Duncan, Lecturer, DoH 
  • Gloria Leung, Research Fellow, GLOBE (upgrade to Full membership)

Associate Members 

  • Pippa Lin, PhD Student, QPS 
  • Atefeh Mehrabifar, PhD Student, QPS 
  • Nicky Newitt, PhD Student, QPS 
  • Mahadi Iddrisu, PhD Student, QPS 

Affiliate Members 

  • Rosie Granland, DoH 





Deakin Distinguished Professor Anna Peeters, AM, CF, BSc(Hons), PhD, GAICD
Director, Institute for Health Transformation Professor of Epidemiology and Equity in Public Health, Deakin University

Go back to the February 2025 Newsletter

Written by Deakin Distinguished Professor Anna Peeters AM