IHT Media Report for October-November 2024
Coverage by Media Type
Total mentions by media type in October-November 2024.
Potential Audience Reach
41,691,281 over 59 days (October-November 2024)
Cumulative potential audience reach by media type for October-November 2024.
IHT Media Appearances
- Deakin Distinguished Professor Catherine Bennett was interviewed on ABC Radio talking about the whether Australia is facing a Christmas Covid wave and was interviewed and mentioned numerous times across all media in relation to her work on the Covid Inquiry.
- Stephanie Bennetts featured in numerous online publications and the Geelong Advertiser for her research into harnessing the expertise of people with lived experience to develop a new trauma-informed approach to mental health care in acute settings.
- Samantha Thomas was quoted in an article on Croakey titled: Breaking the silence about conflicts of interest in important policy discussions
- Samantha Thomas was quoted in the AFR and numerous other publication on gambling harm and was interviewed on ABC Radio.
- Anna Ugalde and Trish Livingston‘s article in the Conversation titled: Six things you can do to support a friend with cancer, was syndicated through a number of publications.
- Cindy Needham appeared in The Age and on radio for her research in understanding rural Australians access to healthy food environments.
- Hassan Vally was quoted in an article syndicated a number of publications titled: Lessons for the next pandemic: where did Australia go right and wrong in responding to COVID?
- Jennifer Watts featured on FlowFM sharing some insights about herself and her work, but specifically her role in co-authoring the Burden of Disease report.
- Kathryn Backholer was quoted in a Croakey article titled: Combatting Misinformation and Disinformation bill
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