IHT Media Report for March 2024

Coverage by Media Type
Total mentions by media type in March 2024.

Potential Audience Reach
17,733,013 over 28 days (March 2024)
Cumulative potential audience reach by media type for March 2024.

IHT Media Appearances

  • Tony LaMontagne was on ABC podcast “This working life” https://www.abc.net.au/listen/programs/this-working-life/part-one-job-strain/103512912 aired Sunday 17/3 at 1.30pm and again on Tuesday 19/3 at 11.30am 
  • Samantha Thomas appeared on ABC news, The Age commenting on the Victorian regulator allowing Crown to retain their Melbourne casino license.
  • Christina Zorbas’ grocery price tracking work again made headlines in early March with the focus on shrinkflation, particularly the increasing cost and diminishing size of breakfast cereals. ABC News coverage was followed by  BNN Breaking, the Guardian and Choice Magazine and interviews on ABC Nightlife, ABC Goldfields Drive,  Triple J, NewsRadio Drive, ABC North Queensland Drive, ABC Brisbane Afternoons, ABC The World Today, ABC Sydney Afternoons, Koori Radio, 2ST Coast and ABC Brisbane Breakfast.
  • The same week, work by Christina Zorbas and IHT research assistant Khalid Muse on the Young African Food Policy Study featured on SBS World News.
  • Kathryn Backholer, Christina Zorbas, Khalid Muse and submissions to the Senate Select Committee on Supermarket Prices were widely reported by ABC radio news in March.
  • Kathryn Backholer was also interviewed by Ten News in early March following the release of new ABS data showing Australia’s obesity rates on the rise.
  • Tan Nguyen’s appearance on the Croakey LIVE webinar on tackling oral healthcare inequities was published on Croakey. The event was held as part of Medicare 40 Years, a Croakey initiative putting the spotlight on critical health reform issues.
  • Catherine Bennett commented on the next COVID-19 wave across multiple news agencies including SBS News.
  • In an article published in Insight+ magazine by Medical Journal of Australia, Danielle Hitch’s research provides insight into the current long COVID landscape and suggests direction for providing future quality care.
  • Hassan Vally’s article in The Conversation unpacks the new Swedish study that found ADHD drugs can reduce the risk of early death.
  • James Lucas, Amie O’Shea and Louisa Smith had a number of press articles on securing more than $2.7 million in MRFF funding specifically for research projects to improve health and wellbeing outcomes for LGBTIQA+ people.
  • Published in the The Conversation, Fiona McKay and Matt Dunn’s recent research assesses which apps are the best to help people quit vaping and which app features to look out for.

IHT Associate Professor Hassan Vally’s article about the ageing process, You can’t reverse the ageing process but these 5 things can help you live longer published on 27 December last year, has now been republished by more than 100 media outlets internationally and, at more than 310,000 reads, is the most read article by a Deakin author so far this year.

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