2024 Opportunity with ACBRD*: short-term, part-time research fellow

  1. Role: To conduct data analysis, and contribute to the preparation of outputs, for two externally funded behavioural diabetes research projects: 1) a clinical trial requiring analyses of PROMs, as well as their contribution to the prediction of biomedical outcomes; 2) secondary analyses of a multi-country merged cross-sectional dataset with shared PROM assessments. PROMS of relevance will include, for example, diabetes-specific measures of quality of life, distress, self-efficacy, self-care, stigma etc…   
  1. Position: Level A or Level B Research Fellow, depending on qualifications / experience / current employment. Starting asap – concluding June 2024, with opportunity for 6-month contract extension (dependent on project needs). Contract type either fixed-term or casual; FTE between 0.6-0.8 (to suit candidates needs) 
  1. Tasks: Finalisation of data analysis plan; management, cleaning, scoring and secondary analysis of incoming quantitative data (from externally managed studies); interpretation and write up of results. Work with the ACBRD project leads to achieve time-bound reporting milestones and co-author manuscripts. 
  1. Suited to an ECR with strong statistical analyses skills, ideally with experience in multi-site clinical trial data or large cross-sectional datasets; strong verbal and written communication of results; experience utilising PROM data.
    Desirable (but not essential): experience in diabetes research and / or use of above PROMs in diabetes or similar health research contexts. 

*The Australian Centre for Behavioural Research in Diabetes (part of the School of Psychology and the Institute for Health Transformation). For more about the ACBRD, please visit: https://acbrd.org.au/ 

To enquire, please contact Dr Liz Holmes-Truscott (etruscott@acbrd.org.au). 

Part time marking opportunity in Human Development and Healthy Families

HSH206 – Human Development and Healthy Families (deakin.edu.au) requires two markers to cover approx. 36 hours each over the trimester OR one marker to take approx. 68 hours over the trimester.

  • AT1 Reflective practice – Short answer questions on developmental theory with ‘reflective’/personal examples, Due Friday 19 April 2024 (Week 6), allocation of 25 minutes/paper
  • AT2 Group presentation – Presentation on one lifespan stage and a health issue, Due Weeks 10 and 11, allocation of approx. 35 minutes per group (3 students) for the marking of this assignment includes marking the Team charter, Oral presentation (15 minutes), and Self-assessments and peer assessment completed by each team member.
  • 4 hours for marking moderation and meetings

Discuss with your line manager and contact Kehla Lippi kehla.lippi@deakin.edu.au directly with any questions or to express interest.

Pierce Armstrong Foundation Grant applications close 15 March 2024

Applications are now open for the Pierce Armstrong Foundation Grant. Their current area of focus is for programs that directly benefit the Health and Education of Victorian Children (aged 18 & under). The Foundation typically provide small donations of up to $20,000 and they have a limit of one application PER organisation. I have been advised by central and faculty that no one has indicated they would like to apply (via NOIS or otherwise). Applications need to be submitted by March 15.  

Please refer to the website below for further information. 

Please contact Aneta Stefanidis if you have any questions. 

Deakin’s mentoring program registrations open 18 March 2024

The Mentoring Program is designed to help you develop new skills, set and achieve goals, gain insight and knowledge, and build a culture of collaboration. Whether you are just starting out in your career or looking to make a change in someone else’s, this program is designed to provide guidance and support to those looking to develop their skills and advance their careers. 

The program will pair mentors and mentees based on their goals, skills, and interests, and will provide opportunities for regular check-ins, feedback, and growth.  

Read more: Mentoring Program 

Planetary Health Equity Future Leaders Program 2024 EOI closes 18 March

Applications are now open for the Future Leaders Program with the theme this year ‘Addressing the structural drivers of planetary health inequity’. The structured program will run in September 2024 and expressions of interest close 18 March 2024. Read more 

2024 Australian Museum Eureka Prizes – entries close 12 April 2024

The AM Eureka Prizes are the most comprehensive science awards in the country, with prizes for scientists at all levels – from those making an impact at the beginning of their careers to scientific leaders at the top of their game. 

In 2024 there are 18 prizes across four categories: Research and Innovation, Leadership, Science Engagement and School Science. 

As a leading Australian university, I kindly ask that you share this news with your scientists, researchers and staff, and encourage them to consider applying or nominating for a 2024 AM Eureka Prize. 

Known as the ‘Oscars’ of Australian science, entries for the 2024 Australian Museum Eureka Prizes open on 12 February and close on Friday 12 April at 7pm AEST. All entries are judged by a panel of eminent individuals from a variety of disciplines. Finalists will be announced on Wednesday 31 July and winners will be announced at a special award ceremony on Wednesday 4 September. 

Visit australian.museum/eurekaprizes to learn more and submit an entry. 

Mike Daube Early Career Advocacy Series  

The Mike Daube Early Career Advocacy Series aims to support Early Career Researchers to combine review or perspective articles on a topical public health or health promotion issue, with strong calls for action on research, policy, or practice. Articles in this series are written exclusively by ECRs (those within 5 years of the award of their PhDs – with consideration given for those with career interruptions). These articles can be written as single author, or co-authored with other ECRs. We welcome articles from Honours, Masters, and current PhD students. Articles that are published in Health Promotion International fall under the Read and Publish agreement which waives the open access publication fee for Deakin staff and students. This is a great opportunity for ECRs to get their work published and have a voice on important health issues. Guidelines are available here and there is no deadline for submission: https://academic.oup.com/heapro/pages/daube_guidelines 

Commercial Determinants of Health Special Issue  

Health Promotion International are calling for papers on the Commercial Determinants of Health for their upcoming special issue. They are interested in receiving manuscripts on CDoH issues from a diverse range of global contexts. Submit to this special issue and contribute to advancing research on the adverse impacts of commercial actors and activities on population health and wellbeing. For more information visit the website: https://academic.oup.com/heapro/pages/the-commercial-determinants-of-health-global-priorities-for-public-health-action

Digital Determinants of Health Special Issue 

Health Promotion International are also calling for papers on the Digital Determinants of Health for their upcoming special issue. Submit to this special issue to advance discussions and broaden understanding of the DDoH and their intersection with social, commercial, political, and environmental determinants of health. They are interested in receiving manuscripts that explore how digital determinants—such as internet access, digital literacy, digital platforms, online information environments, digital marketing and digital policies—impact health; the role of digital technologies in health care, planetary health, and the climate crisis; politics and power within the digital environment; AND MORE. For more information visit the website: https://academic.oup.com/heapro/pages/health-promotion-international 

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