Celebrating a successful start to 2024

Congratulations to the following members for receiving 2024 grants across a range of schemes. 

ADPRF and Executive Dean Fellowships 

Exec Dean’s Research Fellows 

IHT Cat 1 Seed Funding Grants

Congratulations to all our 2024 Cat 1 Seed Grant Recipients:

Inaugural IHT Impact Grant awarded

Congratulations to Tailane Scapin for winning our inaugural Impact Grant.  Tailane will be evaluating the impact of the GLOBE partnership with UNICEF to strengthen actions towards healthier retail food environments in the East Asia and Pacific region.  Noting that this is a trial and pending the success of this, we hope to fund more of these types of projects next year.   

All of these Schemes received a high volume of quality applications and we wish to acknowledge the efforts of everyone who submitted and recognise your disappointment and missing out this year.  We encourage you to apply again next year and take advantage of the supports that IHT offer (Grant Development Sessions, Internal Review) to increase your likelihood of success next year. 

IHT Annual Call for Committee Members

As part of commitment to offer professional development opportunities, the Institute for Health Transformation extends an open invitation to any member interested in joining one of our governance committees.  These committees are an integral part of our management structure, by providing advice and assistance in the development and delivery of Institute wide strategic and operational initiatives. 

Our aim is to have a balanced representation from all Domains and from researchers at different career stages to ensure the expertise and experience appropriately reflects the breadth of Institute. 

For you, this is a great opportunity to expand your professional experience and skills and contribute to the strategic development of the Institute. 

If you are interested, please discuss with your Supervisor and/or Domain Director to endorse your involvement.  The Deakin Achieve planning process is potentially an opportunity to discuss this further.  

We note that the timing of this does not correspond with WAM allocations and so will be providing another opportunity later in the year to correspond with this.  

Details on the Terms of Reference of each Committee are provided via the links below: 

Diversity and Inclusion Committee 

EMCR Committee 

Research Committee 

IHT All Member Survey Results 2023

Thank you to all Members that took time to complete our All Members Survey in November/December 2023.  We had a total of 120 responses which represents just over 50% of membership.  Both the qualitative and quantitative data generated from the survey were presented to the IHT Executive Committee at our planning retreat mid-February.  The recommendations have already informed our strategic and operational plans for 2024.  The survey results continue to be an invaluable source of intelligence for the Institute and really does help the operational team and leadership teams tailor our initiatives to meet the most critical needs of  members.  Your input is much appreciated thank you.  The final report is now available on the Members Portal via the following link.  

FINAL Report All Member Survey Report_2023.pdf 

IHT Networx Groups – Invitation to Participants and Facilitators

 The IHT Networx Program is a Group Mentoring initiative designed to bring small groups of diverse researchers together to offer peer support and assist in addressing professional issues arising at different career stages.  The Groups aim to provide another layer of support for our EMCRs, by expanding researchers’ personal networks and providing a forum for discussing any current challenges and identifying any areas requiring further Institute support or action. 

The Program will run from April to November 2024 with meetings scheduled either fortnightly or monthly. IHT will set up initial meetings, and a nominated member of the Group will set up subsequent meetings based on your availability. 

For participants 

Participants have the option to nominate into a group loosely based on your career stage, or join a diverse group from varying career stages.  Please specify your preference and your career stage (from list below) and we will do the best to accommodate your needs, noting the final group mix will depend on the range of applicants wishing to be involved. 

Career Stages: 

  • PhD students
  • 1-2 years post doc
  • 3-6 years post doc

Please register via the following link by Friday 8 March, noting your preference as outlined above: 

2024 Networx Program Registrations.xlsx 

For facilitators, this is an opportunity to contribute to the development of our junior researchers and learn more about the diverse work being undertaken across the Institute.  Feel free to contact Kate Morrissy if you have any questions, or if you would like Kate to put you in touch with one of the previous facilitators to discuss the program further. 

Deakin’s new Costing Tools

Are you aware of Deakin’s new Research Funding and Research Consultancy, Costing and Pricing Policy?

The Policy and procedure introduces a formal indirect cost rate to be applied to research proposals and informs researchers on how to cost and price their research at Deakin.  It aims to ensure that all direct and indirect costs are covered by the funding body whenever possible, minimising the hidden costs borne by Deakin.

The Policy has been designed to align Deakin with current industry standards and benchmarks, ensuring that we are well-positioned for future research success.

All tools, guidelines and FAQs can be found here: https://deakin365.sharepoint.com/sites/OfficeoftheCFO/SitePages/Project-Accounting.aspx

A link to this site is also available via our Members Portal here:  New Costing Tools SharePoint site.url

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