Congratulations to:

  • Dr Jennifer Browne received $1.2million funding in the 2023 National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) Ideas grants.
    The project, co-lead with Prof Yin Paradies, will provide a world-first examination of how private companies and their actions (such as the supply and marketing of harmful products, and lobbying) impact Indigenous peoples’ lives. The study’s findings will support improved government and private sector accountability regarding Indigenous health. Read more
  • Dr Anna Chapman and A/Prof Anna Ugalde have been successful partnering on an Ian Potter Foundation grant for $600,000 for a project titled: Improving adoption of evidence-based psychological treatments in residential aged-care settings: A system wide approach. 
  • Alfred Deakin Prof Tracey Bucknall and Prof Lauren McTier, along with other investigators at Alfred Health and Monash University have been awarded an Alfred Research Alliance Collaborative Grant for $300,000; project titled A national centre of excellence for the safe use of cancer immunotherapy. The funding will create a national centre that leads the way in making cancer immunotherapy safe for everyone. 
  • Dr Heather Wallace and Aleisha Walters have been awarded a Deakin University Equity-First Students as Partners Microgrant, funded by the Higher Education and Partnership Program (HEPPP) of $13,520 to undertake a project titled: Maths 4 nursing and midwifery students. Students’ experiences and perceptions around maths, and confidence performing mathematical tasks during their course/s will be explored. The established ‘Foundation Maths Program’ modules will also be evaluated. 

Recent Conference Presentations

  • Prof Tony LaMontagne presented a talk on ‘work & suicide: evolving understandings of aetiology & intervention’ in Toronto (Institute for Work & Health) and Quebec City (Universite Laval)The abstract of the talk can be downloaded here (this flyer is for U Laval talk only, but was same content for both). 

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