Upcoming Events
DHF24, 7 & 8 May 2024 – 20 free VIP tickets available to the first 20 people to register
See the future of healthcare at DHF24, 7 & 8 May at Melbourne’s MCEC: digitalhealthfest.com.au
Once upon a time, there was a planet called Earth where people strived to be healthy & happy ?♀️
Day by day, outdated healthcare systems and a lack of innovation were putting its people’s well-being at risk.
Passionate healthcare professionals sounded the alarm. They warned of a looming healthcare crisis and the urgent need for change.
And that’s why we created DHF, a meeting place for the ecosystem to break free from the shackles of outdated healthcare practices.
Until finally, a new era of healthcare emerged.
It’s a healthcare party, and you’re invited.
20 free VIP tickets available to the first 20 people to register
As a sponsor of the event, we have been given 20 free VIP tickets. Please click here to book your VIP Tickets.
Please note DHF has requested that these tickets are for Faculty use only, not Students.
IPAN Special Seminar: Dr Dana Olstad, “Socioeconomic inequities in diet quality and health: Trends, mechanisms and policy solutions”, Wed 7 Feb 2024
IPAN is hosting visiting researcher, Dr Dana Olstad from University of Calgary, Canada is presenting a seminar on ‘Socioeconomic inequities in diet quality and health: Trends, mechanisms and policy solutions’. We thought this might be of interest to a number of you. If you are interested and available, please feel free to attend this seminar.
The seminar will be held on Wednesday 7 February from 12.00pm – 12.50pm at Burwood Corporate Centre or via Zoom (see details below).
Meeting URL: https://deakin.zoom.us/j/88968135168?pwd=VmR0cUhEbFZYOENvMUl4eW5Cc2dZQT09&from=addon
Meeting ID: 889 6813 5168
Passcode: 06345832
Dr Olstad would like to meet with as many of her previous Deakin colleagues as possible, and would also be keen to meet with new people as well. If you would like to meet with her for 30-60 mins, please email her directly at dana.olstad@ucalgary.ca. Dr Olstad is available the afternoons of: Feb 1, 2, 5-9, 12.
CSIRO Industry PhD Program: Information Webinar, 7 February 2024
CSIRO is part funding scholarships for PhD students placed in industry organisations, with co-supervision by Universities.
Become a program partner and support a PhD student with a research project that tackles a real-world problem. Students are jointly supervised by the industry partner, the student’s university, and CSIRO. Expressions of interest will open from 1 February 2024. Find out more about becoming a partner by registering for the upcoming Industry PhD information webinar or visit the Industry PhD website.
Faculty of Health’s International Research Partnerships Colloquium Series 2024, commences 13 February 2024
Join us online for our inaugural session of the Faculty of Health’s International Research Partnerships Colloquium Series 2024. Each month we’ll feature one of our international partners, with presentations from a Deakin and partner researcher on their latest collaborative work.
Presentations will take place via 50-minute Zoom sessions (20-minute presentation plus 30-minute Q&A) highlighting the innovative research being progressed within our strategic partnerships. It’s a great opportunity for staff, HDR and other research students to learn more about our international partners, the key researchers involved and the opportunities that exist to engage.
Our first session is with our partner, the University of Copenhagen. Professor Michael Berk (Deakin University) and Professor Lars Kessing (University of Copenhagen) will share their research insights and answer questions about their work. (download the flyer)
Please note: on 13 February the session time in Australia is 5–6pm AEST; in Denmark 8–9am CET.
A placeholder will be sent to reserve the space in your diary. Specific details of each session will follow closer to the date and will be available on the webpage.
OCPH What Matters in Healthcare Forum, 20 February 2024
The OCPH What Matters in Healthcare Forum is back for 2024 with an amazing line-up of speakers! This year, our theme, Change Starts by Listening, sets the stage for exploring the stories that define us in healthcare, from the perspectives of international experts, clinicians, and consumers.
Join us for our unique forum, bringing together health service leaders, health professionals, policy-makers, researchers, non-profits and non-clinical professionals working in the sector.
Explore our Provisional Program below for an overview of the day’s topics and activities. Your presence will contribute to a meaningful dialogue shaping the future of healthcare.
As a special highlight, we are excited to be including an interactive workshop in the day’s program: Stories of Scars and Survival, a Narrative Medicine workshop with Dr Mariam Tokhi and Dr Fiona Reilly.
We are also pleased to announce a full-day pre-forum workshop on Monday 19 February: Empowering Emerging Leaders. Find out more
Mindfulness and compassion in healthcare settings: Collaboration lunch with Randi Knudsen and OCPH, 21 February 2024
Wednesday 21 February 2024, 11.30am to 1.30pm, Deakin Downtown
We invite you to share in an informal setting with visiting academic, Randi Karkov Knudsen, from the Centre for Research in Patient Communication, University of Southern Denmark, hosted by Deakin’s OCPH.
Randi specialises in mindfulness and compassion in healthcare settings, communication between health professionals and patients, and knowledge transfer from the classroom to clinical practice.
Randi’s PhD project, Mindfulness and Compassion for healthcare professionals – an action research project about implementation of mindfulness in a hospital context, explores the impact of an 8-week Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) course on healthcare professionals’ work life, and interactions with patients and colleagues. Further to this, the project explores how implementing mindfulness can be supported in a hospital context.
Randi is inspired by action research, aiming to empower practitioners to generate and experiment with their own concrete solutions to improve practice.
This opportunity will be a chance for knowledge sharing and networking. Limited numbers. There is no charge for this event but please RSVP to ocph@deakin.edu.au for catering purposes.
IHT Save the dates!
IHT Morning Teas
The IHT Morning Teas are back again this year and are a great opportunity to connect with fellow IHT members. Calendar invites will be provided but please save the following dates to start off the year:
- Wednesday 6 March at Burwood
- Tuesday 30 April at Geelong
All Members Day
Our first All Members Day for 2024 will be held Thurs 28 March at Deakin Downtown. A calendar invite and more details will be released soon.