It is hard to believe another year is drawing to a close. It has been another big year with widespread social, economic and environmental disruption, major challenges for the health and social sectors and uncertainty in academic and research fields. In this tumultuous context IHT members and our partners have continued to shine a light on what matters, from our graduating students, through our grant and award winners, to those bringing new networks and partnerships together. Thanks to those who have participated in our partnership videos this year, they are an excellent reflection of the work that we do. You can find them here and we look forward to developing more, as well as some videos celebrating the impact you are delivering with your partners, so please let us know if you have good ideas for a project focus for next year’s videos.

A big thank-you to all of you who made our All Members’ Day last week such a great event. I was moved and heartened by the Welcome to Country by Wurundjeri Elder Tony Garvey, the warm and wise speech by VACCHO CEO Dr Jill Gallagher AO, and the update on Deakin’s work to grow Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander research and researcher capability by our own Professor Mark Rose, and VACCHO’s Olivia Payne. IHT is committed to building Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander research and researcher capability through our own research, through leveraging the University’s actions, and through supporting the implementation of the new Victorian Aboriginal Health, Medical and Wellbeing Research Accord, marra ngarrgoo marra goorri. I also attach the link to the book commended to us all to read by Jill Gallagher – Letters from Victorian Aboriginal Women of Victoria 1867-1926. Thanks again to the day’s organising committee and of course our own Jane Fonda……

Congratulations to our EMCR Award winners, who all exemplify the type of research we strive for – multi-disciplinary, excellent, partnership research with purpose and impact. You will find a full description of our winners and their research areas later in the newsletter and here. Congratulations also to all those mentioned within who have achieved important milestones including promotions, awards and important service appointments. A big shout out to the ACBRD which hosted an excellent event to commemorate World Diabetes Day, focussed on Ending Diabetes Stigma and including the global launch of the Pledge to #EndDiabetesStigma.

I wish you all a relaxing summer break and look forward to what we will achieve together in 2024.

A warm welcome to our latest IHT members

  • Vicky Yuan, PhD Student, QPS
  • Israel Bekele Molla, PhD Student, QPS





Alfred Deakin Professor Anna Peeters, AM, CF, BSc(Hons), PhD, GAICD
Director, Institute for Health Transformation Professor of Epidemiology and Equity in Public Health, Deakin University

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