Lauren Sheppard re-joined Deakin Health Economics as a full-time PhD student in 2021 and continues to lead the way in bringing economics into policy in her research, as well as co-leading the DHE PhD student group.

Tell us the title of your PhD and what it’s about.

My PhD is titled; Prioritising and allocating resources to prevent and respond to violence against women: Economic tools and evaluation methods.

My research looks at the existing evidence, policies and practices to determine economic methods that will inform the effective prioritisation of resources to prevent violence against women.


How does it/will it impact the community/health system/future research?

I hope my PhD will strengthen economic research within the field and motivate action to ensure limited resources are invested efficiently and equitably to advance the cause of ending violence against women.

What have been your key learnings in completing your PhD?

I’ve gained a deeper understanding of qualitative research methods and their significance in providing a strong foundation for economic research.

What excites you about the future, post PhD?

I’m excited to collaborate with researchers across disciplines, bringing an economic perspective to existing and emerging projects, and undertaking meaningful research to end violence against women.

What advice would you give someone just starting out in their PhD?

Research a topic you are passionate about and build connections with peers who hold similar research interests.

How do you unwind at the end of a day?

Family dinners, walking the dog, playing basketball with the kids.

Photos of Lauren’s travels around the world