Upcoming Events

Deakin Healthcare Management Symposium, Fri 10 November 2023

Deakin Business School in collaboration with the School of Medicine will be holding an Healthcare Management Symposium focusing on ‘Leading Healthcare Innovations’ on Friday 10 November.

This event is free and we would like to extend this invitation to everyone and your network. As you will see, we are showcasing many of our Deakin academics. It is sure to be a fantastic event highlighting key topics with valuable networking opportunities.

Download the symposium flyer and program.

IHT New Members Day, Mon 13 November 2023

All new IHT members are invited to our 2nd ‘New Members Day’ for 2023. Held from 10.00am to 1.00pm (lunch from 12-1pm) on Monday 13 November 2023, the two-hour face to face meeting will focus on:

  • orientating new members to the Institute’s work across domains,
  • introducing new members to the IHT operational team,
  • sharing the various funding and support mechanisms available to them as new members, and
  • create an opportunity to connect with other researchers

As we are providing lunch please indicate if you have you any dietary requirements to health-transformation@deakin.edu.au by 1 November 2023.

End Diabetes Stigma Global Launch, Tues 14 November 2023

Please join us on World Diabetes Day to celebrate the launch of the International Consensus on, and Recommendations to End, Diabetes Stigma and Discrimination.

We are delighted to announce that this event will be co-hosted by Dr Norman Swan AM and Renza Scibilia. You will hear from members of the International Consensus panel, people living with and working in diabetes. They will highlight how diabetes stigma and discrimination affects them and the community, why they took the Pledge to end diabetes stigma, what is needed to bring diabetes stigma and discrimination to an end, and their vision for what the world will look like without diabetes stigma and discrimination.

Date: Tuesday 14 November, 2023
Time: 5.30 pm arrival for a 6 pm start*
Location: In person and live-streamed. The in-person event will be held at The Edge, Federation Square, Flinders Street, Melbourne VIC, Australia. A link will be available for those who would like to watch the event remotely, via live-stream.

Whether you can attend in person or online, please register to attend via the Eventbrite End Diabetes Stigma registration page

Final IHT Grant Development Session, Thurs 16 November 2023

The final IHT Grant Development Session for the year will be held on Thursday 16 November at 3pm. Please contact Merran Stewart for the Zoom meeting link. Please note that additional sessions can be arranged on request.

Presenter: Dr Navoda Liyana Pathirana
Presentation Title: Quantifying the co-benefits of a sugary drinks tax in Australia
Project abstract: It is vital to understand the co-benefits of food policies on multiple dimensions of health, society, environment, and economy to transition to healthy and sustainable food systems. Existing analyses of the co-benefits of food policies have largely focused on qualitative analysis, which does not provide evidence of the significance of benefits to policymakers. This study aims to demonstrate the possibility of using ecological economics to quantify the co-benefits of food policies by quantifying the health, environmental, and socioeconomic impacts of implementing a sugar and sweetened beverage tax in Australia using an ecological economics modelling technique called input-output disaster modelling.

Talking AI with Dr Mushtaq Bilal | A 2 hour online workshop, Wed 22 November 2023

Online: https://deakin.zoom.us/j/89871723437?pwd=RDZEaUNYVkFCRVFQN29CQUpWZXVDZz09&from=addon

Dr Mushtaq Bilal,  a postdoctoral researcher from Hans Christian Andersen Center, University of Southern Denmark, holds a PhD in comparative literature from Binghamton University, New York and his scholarship has appeared in academic journals like the Journal of World Literature and Comparative Literature Studies. He has an online audience of 200,000 followers on Twitter and 50,000 on LinkedIn where he writes about simplifying the process of academic writing with AI apps. His opinions on how to use AI for academic writing have been featured in publications like NatureTimes Higher Education (UK), and Der Spiegel (Germany). Mushtaq is frequently invited to deliver talks at leading universities in the US, Europe, and Australia.

Co-hosted by the Institute for Health Transformation (IHT) and the Faculty of Health, don’t miss this workshop with Dr Bilal discussing how to use AI apps for academic writing including how to:

  • brainstorm research questions with (AI-powered app) Elicit
  • use AI-powered search engines
  • do literature review with (AI-powered app) Research Rabbit (Zotero/Mendeley Integration)
  • stay up to date with (AI -powered app) R Discovery
  • supercharge your reading with (AI-powered apps) Scholarcy and SciSpace
  • take notes with (AI-powered app) Lateral
  • write zero drafts and get them “cleaned” with ChatGPT
  • use (AI-powered app) Jenni to write your first draft
  • edit your first draft with (AI-powered app) Paperpal
  • take your research to the next level with (AI-powered app) Scite
  • use ChatGPT and Bing Prompts for academic writing and reading.

Research impact workshop series, 22-30 November 2023

The Institute is pleased to present a workshop series on understanding, planning and communicating research impact. The sessions will be run by Dr Tamika Heiden at the Research Impact Academy. The sessions are similar to those provided in 2021; amended to reflect advances in the sector.

The series will be run as three x 2-hour online sessions. Participants may attend all or some of the sessions, noting that we recommend those with limited understanding of research impact to attend all three sessions.

Places are limited, so please register via the following Eventbrite link: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/739072705357?aff=oddtdtcreator

Workshop 1: Background and planning impact Wednesday 22nd November 10am – 12pm

Summary: The session will support attendees to understand the terminology of impact and what impact looks like in practice
Activity: Mapping your impact elements – participants will be asked to bring a project to the session to work on, this can be a planned project (prospective mapping) or a case study of past research (retrospective) mapping. Participants will be provided with a mapping tool and will be taken through a project mapping process.

Some pre-reading will be required for this session

Workshop 2: Stakeholders and research users Tuesday 28th November 12 – 2pm 

Summary: The session will discuss the value and complexities of end-user engagement, and support attendees to develop skills and strategies to ensure successful partnerships for impact
Activity: Planning your translation relative to end-user groups and translation goals

Workshop 3: Communicating Research Impact Thursday 30th November 12 – 2pm

Summary: The session will walk participants through the process of structuring research impact statements for grant applications, including NHMRC Investigator Grants, and impact case studies
Activity: Writing impact statement elements of your own research – prospective or retrospective

MRFF webinar: From research plan to research proposal, 23 November 2023

Join Dr Masha Somi, Chief Executive Officer, Health and Medical Research Office for the ‘From research plan to research proposal: addressing MRFF priorities in grant applications’ webinar on 23 November 2023 at 2:00pm AEDT.

Masha will be joined by MRFF expert advisory panel members and grant recipients for a practical workshop about how to address research priorities in grant applications. An opportunity to ask questions will follow.

Register for the webinar

IHT All Members Day, Wed 29 November 2023

IHT is delighted to present the Agenda (below) for our upcoming All Members Day on Wed 29 November at Deakin Downtown. We are excited to bring together a range of internal and external speakers to assist in continuing our conversation about ways to strengthen our program of research with First Nations people. We hope you can join us for this important event.

Book your professional headshot

IHT is again offering the opportunity for members to have their professional headshots taken at the All Members Day in November.

Please click the link below to book your appointment.  There are only a limited number of spots so get in early.

Group photos for IHT, Domains and Research Groups will also be available and if you would like to secure a Group photo booking, please contact Kate Morrissy.

 IHT All Members Day Photo Appointments 2023.docx

 5 Day Logistic Regression Masterclass, 12-16 February 2024

Deakin Epidemiology is pleased to offer a summer Masterclass focussed on Logistic regression to be delivered by arguably the world’s most famous teacher of this statistical technique – Stan Lemeshow. In years past, Lemeshow together with Ken Rothman offered back-to-back masterclasses in Biostats and Epi in Tasmania which were a bit of an institution, with many epidemiologists and biostatisticians building their knowledge and networks by heading south for a healthy dose of upskilling or as a refresher. The logistic regression program is still offered in Europe and the USA, and now we are very excited that, after a gap of 15 years or so, Stan has agreed to offer this program onshore once again in Australia, this time at our Burwood campus, a short 20 min drive up the M1 from the Melbourne CBD.

The program is built around Lemeshow’s book which provides a well-organized step-through of modelling, written in a way that helps readers understand the key principles of logistic regression models, along with practical modelling building strategy illustrated with examples from health research drawn from Stan’s many years of experience. Importantly, model fit and interpretation are particularly well explained.

The Masterclass combines morning sessions where Stan steps through the content of the day in detail followed by practical afternoon sessions to take that theory into practice. Masterclass enrolment comes with extensive course notes to take away, and access to Stata for use on your own laptops during the week to ensure participants leave with both expertise and confidence in data analysis. And of course, the new connections that come from the opportunity for health researchers to network!

For more information visit 5 Day Logistic Regression Masterclass | Institute for Health Transformation (deakin.edu.au)

Past Events 

Towards Deakin 2030: Sustainable Research Symposium

On 6 October, the Sustainable Health Network hosted the ‘Towards Deakin 2030: Sustainable Research Symposium’ at Deakin Downtown. The symposium aimed to: create awareness of environmental sustainability research across the university; share information with the purpose of identifying potential collaborations; and illustrate ways in which the work of the Network could support the Deakin 2030 strategy – Toward a Sustainable World. Prior to the symposium, we had created a map of research across the university plotted to the Deakin 2030 goals, and that this was further populated during the day.

We began the day with a Welcome to Country from Wurundjeri Elder Tony Garvey, followed by introductions from Alfred Deakin Professor Rachel Huxley and Alfred Deakin Professor Matthew Clarke – Deputy Vice-Chancellor Research and Innovation. Professor Fabrice DeClerck – Co-author of Planetary Boundaries framework and Science, Director at EAT, Oslo, Norway delivered a keynote on “Planetary Boundaries and Dietary Health” and senior representatives from across the university provided overviews of the environmental sustainability work within their Faculty / Division.

We heard from HDR students and ECRs from across the university related to key themes including Sustainable Food Systems, Sustainable cities and communities, Health and wellbeing in a changing climate, Sustainable Healthcare Systems, and Climate Action. There was good representation of IHT members in these sessions and it was a great opportunity to showcase the breadth of sustainability research across the university.

The Symposium concluded with a keynote presentation on “The Montreal Protocol and Worlds Avoided: How We Saved the Planet, Twice” by Adj. Professor Helen Tope AO – Director Planet Futures, Chair (MCTOC) Montreal Protocol and Adjunct Professor, Deakin Health, followed by a panel discussion with Ms Tui Raven – Senior Manager, Indigenous Programs, Office of the Librarian; Professor Minoo Naebe – Associate Director, Institute for Frontier materials; Dr Michalis Hadjikakou – Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Science, Engineering and Built Environment; Dr Mike Forrester –Paediatrician, Clinical Lead of the SHN – IHT / Faculty of Health and Associate Professor Joshua Newton – Associate Dean, Faculty of Business and Law.

(Pictured are the organising committee comprised of: Audrey Elford, Carolina Venegas Hargous, Claire Henderson-Wilson, Hasini Gunasiri, Kim Anastasiou, Mark Lawrence, Shannon Sahlqvist and Urvi Thanekar (please note that Carolina was overseas and not featured in it))

Western Health Research Week

The proceedings of Western Health Research Week were opened on the 16th October by Anna Peeters in her role as Western Health Board Director. The Western Health—Deakin partnership team were strongly represented in the Nursing and Midwifery Session held on the 19th October. Debra Kerr delivered a keynote presentation about nurse communication, and Vidanka Vasilevski presented a study about staff perspectives of providing maternity care by migrant refugee women. Anie Edward, a School of Nursing and Midwifery BN (Honours) student supervised by Stephane Bouchoucha, Bodil Rasmussen and Sara Holton won a best oral presentation award for her study about P2/N95 mask use during the COVID-19 pandemic. The team were also awardees of the annual nursing and midwifery grants including:

Nursing Research Grant – $15,000

  • An analysis of triggers, response, and outcomes for Code Grey events during acute hospitalisation
  • Research Team – Nicole Davies, Elisa Ilarda, Debra Kerr, Adam Searby, Bodil Rasmussen. Note: This study is part of a larger project also involving Ali Hutchinson, Susan Perlen Louise Alexander, Trish Mant and Angela Skazlic.

Midwifery Research Grant – $15,000

  • Honouring First Nations Women and Families’ Right to Self-Determination Throughout Their Pregnancy Journey: Discussion Starter Cards
  • Cara Kennedy, Karah Edwards, Jordan Casey, Linda Sweet, Tanya Farrell, Vidanka Vasilevski, Tanya Druce, Sacha McDonald, Debra Kerr

Western Health’s Executive Director of Nursing and Midwifery, Shane Crowe commended Bodil Rasmussen, Chair of Nursing – Western Health/Deakin partnership, for her outstanding contribution to the Research program at Western Health for the past 7 years.


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