Upcoming Events
Nourish Network Local Government Interest Group meeting, 2.30pm-4.00pm Thurs 5 October 2023
We’re pleased to welcome guest speakers Ainslie Sartori, Food and Movement Programs Manager, Cancer Council, WA and Gabrielle Francis, Health Promotion Officer, Latrobe Community Health Service. For those interested in attending the event, please contact Cindy Needham at cindy.needham@deakin.edu.au to receive a link to join.
The mission of the Local Government Interest Group is to enhance and accelerate research and evidence-based action to improve the healthiness and sustainability of the food environments in local government settings in Australia.
Towards Deakin 2030: Sustainable Research Symposium, Fri 6 October 2023
The inaugural Towards Deakin 2030: Sustainable Research Symposium, which will be a whole day, free event for Deakin staff and students at Deakin Downtown on Friday 6 October 2023. Whilst this event is being hosted by the Faculty of Health’s Sustainable Health Network, it is a university-wide symposium that will present research across faculties and divisions. It aims to bring together our researchers, students, partners and Deakin leadership to cross-pollinate the latest research and build inter-disciplinary collaborations.
This is a Deakin University wide symposium, please register here.
IHT Building and sustaining a network of model-based system thinking practice, Tuesday 24 October 2023
The Institute has organised for Ellis Ballard to give a talk titled ‘Building and sustaining a network of model-based system thinking practice’ on Tuesday 24 October at 10am. The talk will be offered face to face at Geelong Corporate Centre, Waterfront Campus and online.
Ellis Ballard will discuss strategies and opportunities to strengthen the use of systems mapping and participatory group model building as tools for community insight and action. He will draw from his own work teaching and training public health practitioners and young faculty, as well as the impact of the extended Social System Design Lab network of practice. His talk will highlight examples of group model building impacts including: regional planning to convene government, community, and NGO stakeholders in St. Louis City to reimagine early childhood education workforce; collective organizing to enhance food security in rural communities in the United States, and community strategic planning to transform disability inclusion in village communities in Afghanistan and Pakistan. He will share ideas and opportunities to strengthen community systems practice to become more accountable, impactful, and useful. The presentation will close with a discussion about opportunities for IHT to further their engagement in this network through existing and future collaboration.
Please register for the event here.
IHT Geo-Spatial training workshop, Wed 25 October 2023
We’re excited to have AURIN provide a general introduction about their organisation, accessing spatial datasets from their data and work with you to search/introduce datasets relevant to different interest groups.
AURIN (Australian Urban Research Infrastructure Network) is a collaborative national network of leading researchers and data providers across the academic, government, and private sector. AURIN provides eInfrastructure and expert eResearch support for urban, regional and social science researchers in academia, government and industry.
To prepare for the workshop, participants will be requested to complete a short survey prior to the event to inform us on the data that you plan to use. Based on your needs, we can prepare specific data information for the workshop. We can talk about using Python, R, or other tools or programs to access the data sets. Please make sure you bring your laptops on the day. Lunch will be provided.
As this is an in-person event, we will not be providing any online options. This workshop is capped at 30 people, so please register below ASAP. Registrations close Friday 6 October 2023.
Register here
6th Faculty Implementation Science Webinar, Wed 25 October 2023
Online Event Title: The importance of context in implementation science
12:00-1:00 pm Wednesday, 25 October 2023
Presenters: Professor Alison Hutchinson and Dr Anna Chapman
Implementation Science researchers at the Institute for Health Transformation (IHT) & Institute for Physical Activity and Nutrition (IPAN) will deliver the sixth webinar in the Faculty of Health’s Implementation Science webinar series.
Typically, implementation strategies are complex, and their effectiveness largely depends on contextual factors. Context can differ between settings and change over time. Assessment of context is critical to designing and evaluating implementation strategy interventions. Led by Alfred Deakin Professor Alison Hutchinson and Dr Anna Chapman, this webinar will provide an overview of how context can influence implementation success and how it can be measured to inform implementation strategy design and evaluation.
At the end of the session, participants will have gained an understanding of:
- Why context is important in implementation science and practice
- How context is conceptualised in implementation science
- Key domains, attributes and features of context
- How context can be measured to inform implementation strategy design and evaluation
Click here to register.
IHT New Members Day, Mon 13 November 2023
All new IHT members are invited to our 2nd ‘New Members Day’ for 2023. Held from 10.00am to 1.00pm (lunch from 12-1pm) on Monday 13 November 2023, the two-hour face to face meeting will focus on:
- orientating new members to the Institute’s work across domains,
- introducing new members to the IHT operational team,
- sharing the various funding and support mechanisms available to them as new members, and
- create an opportunity to connect with other researchers
As we are providing lunch please indicate if you have you any dietary requirements to health-transformation@deakin.edu.au by 1 November 2023.
Final IHT Grant Development Session, Thurs 16 November 2023
The final IHT Grant Development Session for the year will be held on Thursday 16th November at 3pm. Please contact Merran Stewart if you would like to present or for more information about presenting at a session. Please note that additional sessions can be arranged on request.
IHT All Members Day, Wed 29 November 2023
Planning for the Wed 29 November All Members Day is well underway and IHT will again be offering the opportunity for members to have their professional headshots taken on the Day.
There are only a limited number of spots so get in early.
Group photos for IHT, Domains and Research Groups will also be available and if you would like to secure a Group photo booking, please contact Kate Morrissy. (email link)
Further information about the Agenda for the day will be provided in the coming weeks.
Past Events

EMCR workshop 3: Work / Life Balance in Academia
Held at the Burwood Corporate Centre on 14 September, about 40 EMCRs and other members attended both in-person and online on this exciting workshop on how to balance work and life in Academia, especially as EMCRs. The event started with a keynote address from Professor Marcia Devlin inaugural Chief Executive Officer of the Victorian Academy of Teaching and Leadership, answerable to the Victorian Minister for Education and an Adjunct Professor at Victoria University and renowned author of “Beating the Odds: A Practical guide to navigating sexism in Australian universities”. She shared her insights on the challenges she faced in coming to a leadership role in academia and practical strategies to overcome these challenges based on her 30 years of experience as a female academic.
The informative keynote address was followed by a panel session with leaders and academics from Deakin University and Industry along with Professor Marcia Devlin, Professor Trish Livingston, Director of Special Projects, in the Faculty of Health, Associate Professor Adrian Cameron, Associate Director of the Global Centre for Preventive Health and Nutrition (GLOBE) and Deputy Associate Head of School (Research), Dr Catherine Keating, lead preventive health strategy for the Medibank Group and Dr. Danielle Hitch, Senior Research Fellow at the Faculty of Health. The panel members shared their experience in managing their careers and studies while balancing family life and their insights on how to successfully maintain a work/life balance from their practical experience. They also shared about the services available at Deakin University to support in maintaining a work/life balance. The panel session was followed by a networking lunch and fun networking event organized by Christina Zorbas and Edith Holloway where in-person attendees get to know each other outside of their academic life.
The workshop was organized by the EMCR committee of IHT. Thanks in particular to Ha Le, Eva Yuen, Feby Savira, Navoda Liyana Pathirana, Christina Zorbas, and Edith Holloway who steered much of the organizing.
The next workshop for EMCR on Transfer research skills to non-academic roles, Strategic planning, and End-of-year Function will be held on 12 December at Deakin Downtown.
Vision, Mission: Roadmap alignment on the opportunity landscape for Health Economics
On Monday 18 September DHE had their DHE Strategic Direction Meeting which had Todd Harper AM, CEO Cancer Australia, Anna Burgess Chief Strategy & Planning Officer, Barwon Health & Alfred Deakin Professor Anna Peeters, AM, Director, Institute for Health Transformation spoke at the following session.
This session involved presentations from three leading health experts who have been invited to share their perspectives on the current and future opportunities/challenges for the health system and consider how DHE can support and collaborate around some of these areas. Each speaker presented on current and future opportunities/ challenges for the health system and consider how DHE can support and collaborate with industry partners around these areas. Followed by a panel discussion with Q & A facilitated by Linda Betts.
Seminar with CEO of Health Issues Centre Alison Coughlan – Consumer Engagement in Health Research
Thank you to those who attended the DHE/IHT Consumer Engagement Seminar last week where we heard from Health Issues Centre CEO, Alison Coughlan. It was great to hear about the strategic directions of the Health Issues Centre, the evolving field of consumer and community engagement in research, including tips and tricks, and opportunities for collaboration with Deakin, the wider health and University sectors.
Thank you for your support of our continuing efforts to build our knowledge and skills in community and consumer engagement!