Science and Technology Australia (STA) STEM Ambassador Anna Peeters

Congratulations to Anna Peeters who has been nominated as STA STEM ambassador to Senator Sarah Henderson. This partnership will help forge stronger ties between science, technology and public policy, supporting evidence-based policymaking.

Representation by Nikki McCaffrey at the Health Technology Assessment (HTA1i) 2023 Annual Meeting

Nikki McCaffrey presented her Victorian Cancer Agency Mid-Career Fellowship research at the international HTAi 2023 Annual Meeting. The economic evaluation suggested that providing brief advice to quit smoking before surgery in people living with cancer is highly cost effective, improves health, and saves costs compared with no support. The HTAi is a “global health technology assessment society championing equitable, responsive, and cutting-edge health technology assessment” and over 700 delegates from 42 countries attended the 5-day event.

20 years of impact: a journey of collaboration with the World Health Organization

On Wednesday 19 August 2023, IHT’s Global Centre for Preventive Health and Nutrition (GLOBE) celebrated its 20-year anniversary of being a designated World Health Organization (WHO) Collaborating Centre for Obesity Prevention with a dinner and networking event.

GLOBE was first designated as a WHO Collaborating Centre in 2003 and was the very first WHO collaborating centre focused on obesity prevention. Our researchers have now supported WHO and its member states in a wide range of policy activities for obesity prevention over 2 decades.

At the celebratory event, the GLOBE Co-directors Kathryn Backholer and Gary Sacks welcomed over 80 people from Australia and partner countries who gathered to hear snapshots from the centre’s founder Boyd Swinburn (via Zoom from Auckland), as well as Steve Allender, Colin Bell and Marj Moodie.

Click here to read on about the event.

Celebration of a 20-year partnership between the WHO and the Global Centre for Preventive Health and Nutrition, based at IHT. Deakin Downtown Melbourne Australia. Wednesday, July 19, 2023.


Congratulations to:

  • Mary Lou Chatterton (DHE) and Carman Vargas Ares (RE-FRESH) who recently submitted their PhD theses
  • Troy Walker who won a Rural Workforce Agency Victoria ‘Outstanding Contribution to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Award.’
  • Ramas Mcrae who represented the Faculty of Health at the 3MT final after winning the People’s Choice Award at School and Faculty levels.
  • Addya Gupta who has been awarded a VicHealth Postdoctoral Research Fellowship.