Supporting families to make healthy supermarket choices: the Danish experience

Join RE-FRESH and the Nourish Network as they showcase the work and experience of Katrine Duus – a PhD student at the National Institute of Public Health, University of Southern Denmark – who is being hosted by RE-FRESH for three months to observe and share knowledge. Joining Katrine is Associate Professor Julie Brimblecombe, Monash University, and Dr Megan Ferguson, The University of Queensland.

Date: 4 May

Time: 1-2pm AEST

Location: online

Register via EventBrite

Faculty of Health Implementation Science Webinar: Key Considerations for Implementation Grants and Publications

This webinar will provide information and practical resources that could be used by researchers when preparing grant applications and publications with an implementation or translational focus. A panel discussion will feature IHT’s Anna Chapman, Ali Hutchinson, Serene Yoong and Anna Ugalde, and Harriet Koorts from IPAN.

Date: 8 May

Time: 12-1pm AEST

Location: online via Zoom

Register: email Anna Chapman (

Writing a successful MRFF grant

The Faculty of Health in conjunction with the Institute for Physical Activity and Nutrition is holding a MRFF seminar with a panel of experienced MRFF grant reviewers and recipients who will share their insight on how to develop competitive MRFF applications.

The session will cover: what a panel is looking for, compliance with funding call, what the consumer / stakeholder is considering, the value of ECR / MCR members, stakeholder engagement, methodology (statistics/clinical support), how to sell your grant and common mistakes.

Guest speaker: Professor Matthew Gillespie AM, Vice-Provost (Academic Affairs), Monash University and IPAN Board Member.

Deakin panellists: Professor Peter Enticott, Professor Antonina Mikocka-Walus, Associate Professor Sandeep Reddy and Associate Professor Shariful Islam.

Date: 10 May 2023

Time: 2-3pm AEST

Location: online via Zoom


Scouting the Australian research environment: An ECR introduction

Navigating a career in academia as an early-career researcher can often feel daunting. While it’s important to have peers and a compass (supervisors, mentors etc), do you sometimes feel like you’re missing information about the landscape you’re travelling across and what is shaping it? Join guest speakers Dr Marguerite Evans-Galea AM (Australian Academy of Technology and Engineering, Women in STEMM Australia), Dr Maithili Sashindranath (Monash University, Australian Academy of Science Early and Mid Career Forum Executive), Prof Mark Hutchinson (The University of Adelaide, Science and Technology Australia), and Prof David Badcock (The University of Western Australia, Psychology Association for Australia).

This webinar will explain some of the current challenges and changes we might see in the future, including highlighting resources available to you and current processes where you can be involved in the conversations which are helping shape the future of higher education in Australia.

Date: 11 May

Time: 12-1.30pm AEST

Location: online via Zoom


Science and Technology Australia Members 2023 Post-Budget Briefing

This online session will cover STEM-related announcements in the Budget, share additional information on how proposed measures may affect the STEM sector, and next steps for engagement or consultation on any Budget announcements.

Date: 12 May

Time: 11am-12pm AEST

Location: online via Zoom

Register (please indicate that you are from ‘Institute for Health Transformation, Deakin University’ when you register.)

Planning your research career for impact

More than ever, research organisations and funding bodies are asking researchers to plan and demonstrate the impact of their work. This can be daunting, especially for those of us with less experience in the impact space.

Presented by Research Impact Academy, who delivered IHT’s 2022 Communicating your research impact workshops, this free webinar will be an opportunity to reflect on your research career and consider how you are enabling impact based on your own values and belief in the importance of the work that you do.

The content is intended for researchers at any stage of their career who are interested in building a career-level impact plan.

Date: 30 May

Time: 12-1pm AEST

Location: online

Register on the Research Impact Academy website

National First Nations Closing the Gap Health Conference and 2023 National Indigenous Mental Health & Suicide Prevention Conferences

These events will bring together Indigenous leaders, policymakers, researchers, and community members to discuss strategies for closing the gap between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians in health and wellbeing, suicide prevention and mental health. 

Dates: 20-22 September 2023

Location: Pullman International Hotel, Cairns, QLD

Register via the Indigenous Conference Services website

IHT EMCR Committee events

Keep an eye on your inboxes, IHT’s EMCR Committee has some fantastic events coming up in 2023!

Upcoming events include seminars on women in academic and developing and maintaining partnerships, and workshops strategic planning, formulating research questions and dealing with a public profile.