Researchers from the Murnong Health Research Mob wrote a piece in The Conversation about the need for a strength-based way to approach First Nations children’s health
Samantha Thomas spoke to ABC Radio National about the big business of online sports betting.
Elizabeth Manias and Alemayehu Mekonnon appeared in a number of outlets reporting on medication-related harm among older Australians. Elizabeth’s research on medication communication across transitions in care appeared in Retail Pharmacy Magazine.
Gary Sacks spoke with New Scientist about the impact of Denmark’s ban of artificial trans fats.
Antia Lal’s work on the DHE/Cancer Council Vic study of the economic benefits of quitting smoking was featured in the Ballarat Courier.
GLOBE’s RESPOND initiative got a mention in the North Central Review ahead of a workshop in Seymour.
Catherine Bennett and Hassan Vally wrote a piece for The Conversation on the likelihood of COVID-19 transmission within households.
Catherine also spoke to Crikey about for an article titled End of the pandemic? Not a chance. Even when it’s over it won’t be over, and ABC Radio National about the need to remain vigilant when it comes to COVID-19 transmission.