What a pleasure it was last week to host our first in-person All Members Day since 2019. The buzz was fantastic and it reminded me how important all our “corridor conversations” are. We look forward to coming together again in our final All Members Day for 2022 on 6 December.

We also had a great turn out at our morning tea with Deakin’s Vice Chancellor Professor Iain Martin on 14 September, and thanks to Nikki, Bodil, Amie and Christina for their fantastic presentations. The IHT Hub is now up and running, so we look forward to seeing you there!

Congratulations to all our researchers who have had recent grant success, including Miranda Blake’s NHMRC partnership project and Alison Hutchinson’s MRFF project. You can find further details on these in our New Funding section below. I want to also acknowledge the vast amount of work that IHT members have put into applications that were not successful in the recent rounds. We know the success rates are very low but the disappointment with each rejection is deeply felt. Your proposals have great merit, and it is our job at IHT to support you to further develop your ideas and find a successful funding pathway to deliver these projects with your partners.

In September we acknowledged World Patient Safety Day, with Alemayehu Mekonnen and Elizabeth Manias sharing their work on medication-related harm in several media publications. You can find their thoughts in this IHT blog post.

We are also pleased to release two new episodes of Healing Health in September. Bridging science and community during the COVID-19 pandemic features Alfred Deakin Professor Catherine Bennett and Associate Professor Hassan Vally in a discussion about science communication and social media during the pandemic. Unmasking healthcare workers’ experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic sees Professor Linda Sweet and Dr Sara Holton share their research on the health of our healthcare workforce. Encourage everyone to listen to these and past episodes, which showcase the breadth and depth of our work. Healing Health is available on the IHT website, or via your favourite podcasting app.

Looking ahead to November, I’m excited for the release of Magda’s Big National Health Check, an ABC series that will explore the systemic drivers of our nation’s ill-health. The series will feature IHT researchers, Steve Allender, Kathryn Backholer, Gary Sacks and Christina Zorbas. For a sneak peek, you can watch the trailer on YouTube.

Finally, a reminder that October is mental health month. Thank-you to Tony LaMontagne for supporting the University panel discussion on this last week. I encourage all members to take time out to reflect on what mental health month means for you and your colleagues, and I direct you to the health and wellbeing resources, information and events that are available on DeakinHub.

Welcome to new members:

  • Sean Randall, Research Fellow, DHE
  • Serene Yoong, Associate Professor, GLOBE
  • Maiken Meldgaard, PhD Student, GLOBE
  • Kath Brundell, PhD Student, QPS
  • Bettina Backman, Associate Research Fellow, GLOBE
  • Ebisa Turi, PhD Student, DHE
  • Tadesse Daba, PhD Student, DHE
  • Ha Thu Bui, PhD Student, DHE
  • Rebecca Bennett, PhD Student, GLOBE
  • Andrea Russell, PhD Student, QPS
  • Candice Morrice, Administration Officer, DoH

Welcome to new Affiliate Member Ariana Luterman.