- Prof Judy Currey as part of a multidisciplinary team including Deakin University colleagues have been successful in securing $223,360 from the Victorian Managed Insurance Authority (VMIA) to create a Cyber Harm Prevention Program. With expertise in cyber security; human factors, health and governance; analytics; criminology; and insurance, the team aims to introduce risk-based cyber insurance principles, identify key cyber risks and vulnerabilities for VMIA’s key sectors, and assess the impact of behavioural change programs to minimise human error.
- A/Prof Anna Ugalde along with a team including Dr Eva Yuen, A/Prof Lemai Nguyen, A/Prof Sandeep Reddy and other IHT colleagues have been awarded funding of $70,000 from the Western Victoria Primary Health Network (PHN) for a project to develop the Digital Health Strategy for Western Victoria PHN with Community Consultation & Digital Health Literacy Support.
- Prof Linda Sweet as part of a team led by A/Prof Joanne Said (University of Melbourne), have been successful in securing a National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) 2021 Clinical Trials and Cohort Studies for a project titled ‘PRECeDe: Prevention of neonatal Respiratory morbidity with antenatal corticosteroids prior to Elective Caesarean section in women with Diabetes: A Randomised trial’ for $3,409,951. The study aims to determine the safety and efficacy of antenatal corticosteroids prior to elective caesarean section for pregnant women (35-39 weeks gestation) with diabetes to reduce neonatal respiratory distress syndrome.
- Dr Sara Holton and a team including Prof Bodil Rasmussen and Western Health collaborators have received a Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) Australia Research grant for $15,000. The aim of the study is to develop and evaluate a question prompt list about pregnancy and childbearing for women with PKD.
New funding
It’s been a successful month for our members!