As I write this message, I am on a short mid-year break, causing me to reflect on the fact that although we are now half way through 2022 we continue to deal with unprecedented change, uncertainty and demand.  I remain impressed by your resilience and flexibility during Australia’s unprecedented flu season on top of our ongoing COVID pandemic. I do want to restate the need to look after yourselves, and ask you to reach out if you have ideas on how the Institute can support you and your teams during this time. A reminder that Deakin’s flu vaccine program remains open until 31 August.

I am sure you will enjoy this bumper issue, which includes lots of funding success, along with training and events opportunities for members at all stages of their careers. The University’s Alfred Deakin Postdoctoral Research Fellowships are now open so please consider this opportunity for your emerging leaders, both currently within and external to Deakin. We will be holding pitch sessions for ADPRF applicants, so let Merran know if you are interested to pitch.

I am looking forward to our all members day coming up on 4 August. It will be great to see everyone in person again after two years of online meetings. And we have a special guest, Emily Howie from the Victorian Equal Opportunity & Human Rights Commission. We are keen to also get your suggestions for people and topics you would like to see at future All Members Days.

This week we recognise NAIDOC week, for which the theme is Get up! Stand up! Show up! I encourage you to find out what’s on near you, and for us all to use this as a time to learn and reflect on how we can get up, stand up and show up in our work and every day lives. IHT is proud to host the Murnong Health Research Mob and work with VACCHO on the FoodPATH project to empower Aboriginal communities in Victoria determine the actions needed to promote healthier food environments in their local communities.

A final reflection- I have been awed by the colours in the winter sunrises and sunsets this year, a reminder of the constant beauty to be found in our world.

New members

Welcome to IHT’s new associate members Sandeep Reddy, Director MBA, School of Medicine, QPS and Lemai Nguyen, Assoc Professor, Information Systems and Business Analytics, Deakin Business School, QPS. 

A reminder to members hiring new staff or supervising PhD students – membership is not automatically allocated. New staff and PhD students supervised by IHT members must apply to become members of IHT. Contact Diane / for more information on how to become a member.