Top-cited articles 

Congratulations to Dr Robin Digby and Alfred Deakin Professor Tracey Bucknall, whose publications were Top Cited Journal Articles in the below-named journals for 2020-2021:

Digby, R., Winton-Brown, T., Finlayson, F., Dobson, H. & Bucknall, T.K. (2021) Hospital staff well-being during the first wave of covid-19: staff perspectives. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing. 30(2): 440-450

Bingham, G; Fossum, M; Hughes, L; Digby, R; Bucknall, TK; (2020) The pre‐Medical Emergency Team response: Nurses’ decision‐making escalating deterioration to treating teams using urgent review criteria. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 76(8), 2171-2181.

The value of primary prevention to reduce alcohol consumption

Launched by The Australian Prevention Partnership Centre at the Preventive Health Conference: a literature review and evidence brief on the value of primary prevention to reduce alcohol consumption. Great research from our Deakin Health Economics members, Paul Crosland, Mary Rose Angeles, Sithara Wanni Arachchige Dona, Siti Mohamad Asfia and their colleagues who contributed to this important work!

Memorandum of Understanding with Nutrition Australia

A new Memorandum of Understanding between Nutrition Australia, IHT, IPAN, Deakin’s School of Exercise and Nutrition Sciences, and IMPACT sets out the framework for the cooperative relationships between the groups. This is a great step forward as it formalises the relationship with Nutrition Australia and encourages future collaborations. Below is an excerpt from the agreement:

A mutually beneficial partnership will foster

  • collaboration between organisations across research, translation and teaching,
  • increasing skills and practical experience of staff members from both organisations,
  • value-adding to student placements, projects and training,
  • wider sharing of our respective and combined activities and impacts
  • enhancing our respective contributions to the improvement of public health nutrition outcomes

Miranda Blake is collating reporting of achievements and future project ideas with Nutrition Australia. Anyone in IHT with partnership pitch ideas for Nutrition Australia is encouraged to reach out to Miranda

Australian Fatherhood Research Symposium

Together with a national steering group, Dr Karen Wynter convened the seventh Australian Fatherhood Research Symposium on 5 and 6 May. This was a hybrid event held at Deakin Downtown and via Zoom. It was attended by researchers, health professionals, advocates and representatives of not-for-profit organisations.

The Australian Fatherhood Research Symposium is the flagship event of the Australian Fatherhood Research Consortium, an unfunded consortium that aims to advance the science of fatherhood, inform practice and policy that supports men and their families, and promote healthy inclusion of fathers in family life.

RE-FRESH 2021 report

RE-FRESH have released their 2021 report – where they shine a spotlight on the partners, researchers and PhD students working together to create healthy food retail environments. The report is available on the RE-FRESH website.

Our Planet, Our Health: Spotlight on Policy and Advocacy Efforts in Australia: Barwon Health and Deakin University Research and Grant Round webinar series

Dr Rebecca Patrick presented at a recent Barwon Health and Deakin University Research and Grant Round webinar on IHT’s work with Barwon Health in sustainable healthcare.

Watch the webinar recording on Zoom. The passcode is c19f!$uW.

You can also read Rebecca’s recent blog post on this work, co-authored with Dr Mike Forrester, on the IHT website.

Short report: Keeping the future in mind

Climate change affects mental wellbeing through complex and interrelated pathways. Young people are particularly at risk of the psychological burdens of climate anxiety, fear and distress. However, young people are also motivated to act on climate change which can promote a sense of agency and hope. Researchers from IHT’s Health, Nature Sustainability Research Group and GLOBE teamed up to implement the Keeping the Future in Mind project. 

The short report sets out a range of recommendations for action including generating further research and evidence to increase local government and NGO capacity to raise awareness of young people’s climate-related wellbeing, and co-design interventions with young people.