IHT All Members Day
The next IHT All Members day has been moved from Thursday, 14 July to Thursday, 4 August. The invitations will be updated to reflect this soon.
IHT monthly morning teas
In 2022, each month the IHT operations team will host a morning tea to bring together our members and friends. Dates, times and locations for the first three morning tea are below. We hope to see you there!
- Wednesday, 25 May at 10.30am – IHT Hub, Burwood
- The theme for this morning tea is ‘international foods’. Any member who would like to contribute to the morning tea with a traditional dish please contact Diane Russack.
- Thursday, 23 June at 10.30am – Geelong Waterfront
- Wednesday, 20 July at 10.30am – IHT Hub, Burwood
GLOBE leadership
Professor Steve Allender is stepping back from his leadership role as director of GLOBE at the end of May. Associate Professors Kathryn Backholer and Gary Sacks have been appointed as joint directors.
We would like to thank Steve for his leadership of GLOBE over the past 6 years and congratulate both Kathryn and Gary in their new roles.
Kathryn and Gary are working on a new look for GLOBE, so keep an eye out for more announcements soon.
IHT Service Role – Professional Development
Would you like to make a valuable contribution to the Institute while extending your skill base beyond research? IHT is seeking an Expressions of Interest from researchers who have the capacity to assist with the IHT Professional Development Program.
Primarily the role will assist in the tracking professional development opportunities across the Institute and will be responsible for planning and implementation of 1-3 (depending on capacity) professional development events across the year.
The commitment will not exceed 1 hour per week.
Details of the role are available on the IHT Members Portal.
Please contact Kate Morrissy if you have an interest in this role.
Would you like to get involved with consumer and community engagement in research?
Community and consumer engagement is critical in health and medical research, and a key component of the Australian Medical Research and Innovation Strategy (2021-26).
Accordingly, the Faculty would like to establish a “Community Research Engagement Network” (CREN), which will provide a framework for community and consumer engagement efforts across the Faculty of Health.
A proposal for CREN, and intended activities, can be found on SharePoint. The network is open to all health and medical researchers at Deakin University, including HDR students.
If you would like to be involved in the network, including attending CREN seminars, please register your interest by emailing peter.enticott@deakin.edu.au
Have you published something recently?
We’re updating the Publications page of the IHT website. If you have published something since August 2021 and would like your publication included on the IHT website, please complete the following steps.
- Log in to Elements
- Select publications, on the bottom left-hand side of your screen
- Click Export
- Locate the .bib file in your downloads folder
- Send the file to b.nielson@deakin.edu.au
Once received, Brydie will use this file to add your publications to the IHT website.
For assistance, contact Brydie at b.nielson@deakin.edu.au or on 03 9246 8590.
Promoting your IHT research and expertise
A reminder that the Promoting your IHT research and expertise resource is available on the Members’ Portal. The resource provides tools and platforms that may be used to promote the impact of your research, and, for those applying for grants, it may assist you to develop dissemination plans for your research.
Criminology/Public health PhD Scholarship available
A fully-funded criminology and public health PhD scholarship is available to examine the supply and trafficking of performance and image enhancing drugs. The successful candidate will be supervised by IHT’s Dr Matt Dunn and Professor David Bright of the Alfred Deakin Institute. More information can be found on the Criminology @ Deakin website.
PhD Opportunity: Improving palliative care in residential aged care using telehealth (IMPART)
The National Ageing Research Institute (NARI) is offering an exciting PhD opportunity through the University of Melbourne including a scholarship funded by the National Health and Medical Research Council. The position involves important research on improving palliative care in residential aged care as part of a larger clinical trial. Applications are due 31 May 2022. Please see the attached PDF file and further information is available on the NARI website.
ABC TOP 5 – ABC Media residency program
The ABC TOP 5 is a media residency program for early career researchers that seeks to develop the communication skills and media awareness of Australia’s emerging researchers. Successful applicants will spend two weeks in residence at ABC Radio National training in media and developing content for different ABC platforms, including radio, digital and TV.
Apply via the ABC website. Applications close on 31 May.