To continue to support you to come back on site, we are going to host monthly morning teas for all members, rotating between Burwood and Waterfront campuses. Our first morning tea will be 25 May, 10.30am at IHT Hub in Burwood.

For those at, or passing through, the Burwood campus, please drop in to our new IHT Hub on BC3. It is a warm and welcoming space that we have built for the purpose of bringing together our members, colleagues and partners to continue to develop and deliver our innovative and impactful research. So come along and use it to hot desk, network, and collaborate.

As we approach the federal election, we and our partners have been advocating for what the health sector needs from an incoming government. To address some of the large, complex issues in health, from implementing the new preventive health strategy and reducing health inequities, through responding meaningfully to the royal commissions into the aged care, disability and mental health systems, to supporting a sustainable workforce for health, and health and medical research, we need an increased focus on designing systemic solutions with people at the centre. I was privileged to take part in a robust, values-based discussion on this with a number of others at the recent Consumer Health Forum of Australia webinar: What does the election hold for health?.

On 5 May we recognised the International Day of Midwives and will acknowledge the International Day of Nurses on the 12 May. Both are a salient reminder of this need to value the people at the heart of our health system.

I would like to welcome our new Director of Deakin Health Economics, Professor Suzanne Robinson, who started with us last week.

Suzanne brings a wealth of experience in developing impactful partnerships, regional and rural research capacity and integrating health economics into health services and systems research. She has an outstanding track record in collaborative research activity and extensive experience working with policy makers and clinicians in using research to inform practice.

I encourage you to reach out to her to introduce yourself and your work.


Welcome to our new members in April:

Full members

  • Tailane Scapin, Research Fellow, GLOBE
  • Clara Gomez Donoso, Research Fellow, GLOBE

Associate members

  • Hannah Jongebloed, Associate Research Fellow, APS
  • Anh Ho, PhD Student, DHE

Written by Deakin Distinguished Professor Anna Peeters AM