Communicating impact to lay audiences

Following on from last year’s research impact workshop, Tamika Heiden from the Research Impact Academy will be presenting a two-part workshop on communicating your research impact to lay audiences. The sessions will provide a range of tips, tricks and tools that can be used to promote your research impact to audiences beyond academia, and will assist researchers to create a piece of writing that can be used to promote their research impact to audiences identified in the workshop.

The workshop will be held on 3 and 5 May, from 2-4pm each day. It is required that participants register for and attend both sessions.

Session one: Tuesday, 3 May, 2-4pm

Session two: Thursday, 5 May, 2-4pm

Register on Eventbrite.

Colac Area Health Research Symposium

27 April, 12.30-2.30pm via Zoom

Join Colac Area Health for their first ever research symposium – all welcome to attend and hear from Colac Area Health staff and partner organisations, including IHT.

Faculty of Health Research MRFF Seminar – Insights from Deakin MRFF panel members   

Are you thinking about submitting a MRFF application?

Join us at this webinar where we will discuss various aspects of preparing competitive MRFF applications and tap into the knowledge of Deakin academics who have recently served on MRFF panels.

Wednesday, 27 April 2022, 2-3pm

Register on Eventbrite

Dealing with rejection in research

HSD is very pleased to present the following workshop on Monday, 16 May 2022, 1-2pm

As a researcher you will face countless rejections – of peer-reviewed papers, grant applications, and job and promotion applications. Does it ever get easier? How do you deal with all this and keep going? Presented by Kylie Ball, this seminar will help participants to challenge unhelpful or self-defeating beliefs about the meaning and impact of academic rejection, and to share experiences and coping strategies for dealing with rejections and moving on.

Bio: Kylie Ball is an Emeritus Professor, having recently left Deakin University after an academic career of 25 years, commencing with a PhD in Psychology. During her career she enjoyed some wonderful professional milestones, including leading successful multi-million dollar research trials; serving as elected President of the foremost international society in her discipline; recognition as a Highly Cited Researcher (top 1% of her discipline worldwide); and the award of a Member of the Order of Australia in the Queen’s birthday Honours last year.  She has also benefitted and learned from some very unsuccessful experiences, such as countless funding and paper rejections, trying to do it all and being terrible at saying no strategically. She remains passionate about drawing on her experiences to support other researchers.

Register on Zoom.

IHT Pitch Session –NHMRC Partnership Grants

Thursday, 28 April 2022, 10-10.40 am

Presenter Scheme Presentation title Project abstract
Dr Jill Whelan NHMRC Partnership Grant Systems Thinking with Active Implementation Research (STAIR) to prevent childhood obesity: an effectiveness-implementation trial Our research helps communities take actions that safeguard children from obesity. Using participatory methods, we have successfully protected children from unhealthy weight gain for up to two years in multiple trials, something only a handful of other research groups have been able to achieve. Our most recent trial was designed to protect children for 4 years. Beyond two years however, we found that protection weakened, and obesity returned. Feedback from communities pointed to the need for implementation support to help them reliably and sustainably provide healthy school environments. Nobody has explored whether system-wide changes to school environments can be implemented and sustained so that successive cohorts of children are protected from unhealthy weight gain. This trial sets out to do this by bringing together world-leading researchers experienced in Community-based Systems Dynamics and implementation science with service delivery partners to identify determinants and interventions for obesity prevention and to trial an implementation process to help schools sustain intervention actions. If successful, this study will be the first Australian study to protect children from overweight and obesity over a sustained period. It will also be the first to simultaneously test an implementation framework for helping schools sustain healthy environments.