• Professor Anna Peeters was appointed as Chair of the AHHA’s Deeble Institute for Health Policy Research
  • Dr Stéphane Bouchoucha was appointed President-Elect of the Australasian College for Infection Prevention and Control (ACIPC)
  • Dr Robin Digby received two awards from Alfred Health: the Research Award for Best Nursing abstract: Hospital staff well-being during the first wave of COVID-19: Staff perspectives; and the Kathleen AB Smith Memorial Award for Best Early Career Researcher Publication (Nursing): Introducing voluntary assisted dying: Staff perspectives in an acute hospital”.
  • A/Prof Pat Nicholson has achieved Senior Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy (HEA). Being a Senior Fellow demonstrates a thorough understanding of effective approaches to teaching and learning support as a key contribution to high quality student learning. It is awarded to professionals who can demonstrate that they meet particular criteria for teaching, supporting and leading learning in Higher Education.
  • Dr Karen Wynter was appointed President-Elect of the Australasian Marcé Society for Perinatal Mental Health (Nov 2021 – Oct 2023). The International Marcé Society for Perinatal Mental Health is an international society for the understanding, prevention and treatment of mental illness related to childbearing. The principal aim of the society is to promote, facilitate and communicate about research into all aspects of the mental health of women, their infants and partners around the time of childbirth. This involves a broad range of research activities ranging from basic science through to health services research.
  • Prof Andrea Driscoll is currently seconded to Department of Health, Safer Care Victoria (SCV) one day a week in a leadership role to provide strategic direction for their program of work in cardiovascular disease (CVD). Andrea will be providing strategic, clinical and research leadership within the SCV Centre of Clinical Excellence in CVD to drive consistent system-wide improvements in service delivery and quality of health care for patients diagnosed with CVD. This role is a testament to Professor Driscoll’s national and international reputation and expertise in CVD. She will be leading several programs of work, supported by the SCV project team, and working with 21 health services throughout Victoria to improve outcomes in patients diagnosed with CVD. She has also been appointed through a state-wide competitive process to the SCV Cardiac Clinical Network Coordinating Committee which provides advice and recommendations to the SCV Executive Leadership Team and the Department of Health.
  • Members of the Nourish Network Campus Food Environments Action Team were an integral part of the development and testing of the Uni-Food Tool, described in “Development of the University Food Environment Assessment (Uni-Food) Tool and Process to Benchmark the Healthiness, Equity, and Environmental Sustainability of University Food Environments”.
  • The NHMRC-funded and ANU-led Healthy Environments And Lives (HEAL) network brings together Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander knowledge, sustainable development, environmental epidemiology, and data science and communication to address climate change and its impacts on health. Partners from across Australia, include the Institute’s Jaithri Ananthapavan and Claire Henderson-Wilson as AIs. During the recent inaugural HEAL conference, Jaithri was a co-convenor of the Victorian regional breakout session and Rebecca Patrick was a plenary presenter.
  • PhD student Jorgen Gullestrup (supervised by Tony LaMontagne, Sam Thomas, and Tania King [Uni Melbourne]) was awarded the Allison Milner Memorial PhD Scholarship. His supervisor Professor Tony LaMontagne was also involved in honouring Allison Milner this month, featuring in a podcast to honour Dr Milner’s legacy in suicide prevention research.
  • A/Prof Kathryn Backholer was a guest on a Parents Voice Facebook chat about the rise of unhealthy food marketing on digital platforms and how it’s affecting children. You can watch the full recording here.