Dr Laura Alston received a Heart Foundation Collaboration and Exchange Award which will fund travel-related expenses for her project, “Advancing nutrition data collection and CVD prevention research in rural Australia”.

A team led by Dr Ashlee Curtis, and comprising other School of Psychology colleagues, Professor Linda Sweet and Dr Vidanka Vasilevski, has secured a tender from the Department of Health to undertake a three year formal review of the implementation of the National Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) Strategic Action Plan 2018-2028.

Alfred Deakin Professor Tracey Bucknall is part of a team led by Professor Johanna Westbrook, Macquarie University, on a NHMRC grant for the project, “A National Aged Care Medication Roundtable – Translating aged care data into action to improve quality of care through collaboration and co-design”. The project aims to co-design, implement and evaluate an Aged Care Medication Roundtable underpinned by a learning health systems model, presenting a pragmatic and immediate response to the issue of poor medication management, and directly supporting national aged care policy, along with recommendations from the Royal Commission.

Alfred Deakin Professor Marj Moodie and Dr Lan Gao are part of a NHMRC 2021 Synergy Grant led by University of NSW: “SERPICO Stroke: Synergistic Enhancement of Research design with Precision analytics to Improve Clinical Outcomes in Stroke”.