A reminder for those who are looking for further support that resources can be found in the Deakin Health and Wellbeing Support Hub.

It is with sadness that we note the passing of Emeritus Professor Trisha Dunning AM after many years of distinguished service to the University and 50 years of service to the discipline of nursing. You can read our tribute to Trisha here. Thank you Alison Hutchinson for preparing these words.

The Institute’s Operational team is continuing to develop tools for you to deliver your research and apply for funding, including resources to support commercial research and competitive grant applications, information on IHT funding programs, recordings and resources from professional development activities, and communications materials such as flyers, logos, posters and PowerPoint templates. These are all available on our Sharepoint site, accessible to IHT members through our website’s Members’ Portal tab. I encourage you to take some time to go through all the information available to you there, and to let us know through our Ideas Hub if there are other resources you would find valuable. Of note this month is a new scheme we have launched to provide support to those of you planning to submit a large funding bid, and the launch of the 2022 Category 1 Seed Funding grants.

In more news on research resources, the Faculty of Health has a new Research SharePoint site providing supporting information and resources for researchers on topics including Low Risk Ethics applications, Grants Support, Higher Degree by Research Supervision, Reporting your Publications, the Role of the Research Coordinators, and Faculty schemes to support research and research training. The site will be regularly updated and will also include news stories, advise of upcoming workshops and seminars, and provide updates on frequently asked questions. Please also note that Faculty Grant information and updates will now be included on this new SharePoint site.

We’re currently planning our end of year All Members Event, in the diary for Thursday 16 December. We’re hoping this can be an in person event to see out 2021 together, and we’ll keep you posted. Fingers crossed!

We hope you enjoy the new format of our newsletter. If you have any feedback, please feel free to email health-transformation@deakin.edu.au 

Best wishes,  


Welcome to the Institute

A warm welcome to our new members, associate members and honorary appointments for October 2021.

Associate members:
Rebecca Christidis, Associate Research Fellow, GLOBE 

Written by Deakin Distinguished Professor Anna Peeters AM